Widows Empowerment

Azemobor Gregory Foundation

Azemobor Gregory Foundation had a business training session with widows who are to be empowered to start up a petty business. This Empowerment training helps the widows to successfully manage the resources that will be given to them in order to be productive in their business. An adage says ‘Don’t just give them fish but […]


Azemobor Gregory Foundation- Mrs Magdalene Benshima a young widow, lost her husband three (3) years ago to food poisoning and since then she struggles to survive with her two kids. November last year she was so elated when the Bowl of mercy Foundation (Calgary, Canada) partnering Azemobor Gregory foundation presented to her the cash sum

Azemobor Gregory Foundation ‘Visit to Mrs Magdalene Benshima’. Read More »

Widows empower

Azemobor Gregory Foundation team presenting a cheque to Mrs Ruth Uche to support her twin kids’ education for this term.5 yrs ago, we made a commitment to sponsor the education of the kids from Primary school to university. Ever since we have remained faithful to that promise.To God the glory! Beloved, about 14 million Nigerian

Project-Help-a-Child Global Campaign Read More »