Mrs Temitope Olakunbi, a widow rejoices as she receives N20,000 to start up a petty business.

Azemobor Gregory Foundation

Mrs Temitope a 43-year-old hapless widow from Osun state lost her husband in the year 2017 to a strange ailment while they were in the village and since then life has been unfair to her as she is saddled with the responsibility of taking care of herself and her four (4) children, due to how hard life became for Mrs Temitope she resorted to leaving her twin boys who are 13 years of age at the village to school under the care of their grandmother who is at Osun state and the two younger ones under her care.

Today the Faith Army Ministry International (FAMI) Partnering Azemobor Gregory Foundation presented the sum of N20,000 to Mrs Temitope Olakunbi to re-start her business, she used to sell Fairly used clothes (Okrika).

Mrs Temitope couldn’t suppress her joy as she exclaimed in pidgin “I DEY GO MARKET NOW NOW WITHOUT DELAY” this is to show you that these women need your support to start up something for themselves.

You can make a donation to a widow or Indigent mother Today, God is counting on you.

Always remember that no one gets poor by giving.


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