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Apostle Azemobor Gregory – You Are Not Your Body. ” I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most-High Psalm 82.6″ What You perceive as a dense physical structure called the body, which is subject to disease, old age and death are not ultimately real- it is not YOU. It is a […]

Apostle Azemobor Gregory – You Are Not Your Body. Read More »


Apostle Azemobor Gregory – Your Life is Now. “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.” – Leonardo da Vinci Whatever needs to be done delay it no longer. Time and space don’t belong to you therefore stop telling yourself there is still time. Don’t be deceived by your opinion. The future is

Apostle Azemobor Gregory – Your Life is Now. Read More »


Helping Humanity is the one true religion, It doesn’t discriminate neither is it biased. Humanity doesn’t care bout your religion, tribe nor race. HUMANITY is LOVE. Together we can create a world where no one lives in lack Follow us on Instagram @azemoborgregoryfoundation @gazemobor

Humanity: Helping Humanity is the one true religion Read More »


Apostle Azemobor Gregory – The Voice of TruthDon’t measure your success by material wealth, measure it by your impact on humanity. Don’t live for money, cars or houses. Don’t even live to impress people. Live for others. Live for humanity. Use your life to impact the lives of others. A life lived for the good

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Apostle Azemobor Gregory – The Voice of TruthDiscover your True Self! Many of us walk this earth not realizing that we are much more than the names and labels we were given at birth. Beyond our physical appearance, we exist at the level of the spirit and there is great power within us. Yet, we

Apostle Azemobor Gregory – Discover your True Self. Read More »


The Azemobor Gregory Foundation is proud to identify with the humanitarian cause of UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) in Nigeria, for their noble intervention in providing welfare needs to millions of displaced Nigerians in Refugee Camps across the nation. TOGETHER WE CAN CREATE A WORLD WHERE NO ONE LIVES IN LACK www.azemoborgregoryfoundation.org

The Azemobor Gregory Foundation Identifies with UNHCR Read More »