
Azemobor Gregory is the founder of Voice of Devine Truth International Outreach ( and Azemobor Gregory Foundation Organization ( ) to advocate the cause of love amongst humanity and care for the needy, and vulnerable in our society.

The bewilderment that awaits many of us that are religious zealots, is the ultimate realization that religion is an organized scam, a man-made boondoggle designed to delude mankind from the knowledge of the true God. Many of us grew up tutored and programmed to accept the religion practiced by our parents, and this to a

The God You Seek is Within! – By Azemobor Gregory Read More »

Epidemiology is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. The immense contributions of this branch of medicine to society, particularly in discovering the causes and treatments of various infections that had hitherto plagued our contemporary world, cannot be overemphasized. We

The Epidemiology of Greed – By Azemobor Gregory Read More »

Azemobor Gregory Foundation Attends A Conference in The USA To Help The Needy. We can touch more lives together with YOU! Our Mission : “To advocate love & peace amongst humanity & help to create a society where everyone can live in peace, love & no lack.” Our Goals: 1. To create awareness for the

Azemobor Gregory Foundation Attends A Conference in The USA Read More »

Join us to lift 10,000 widows and indigent mothers out of poverty Mrs. Ruth Uche, an indigent mother with 6 kids, is a beneficiary of our education support scheme. In 2015, when she gave birth to her last set of twins, and her poor husband being overwhelmed with the burden of the family ran away

Indigent mother of 6 receives financial aid for her kids Read More »