The Nation Newspaper, On Sunday 3rd January, 2021, Captured the ” Christmas without Hunger Outreach” organized by Azemobor Gregory Foundation in Collaboration with Lifecard Investment Ltd.

Azemobor Gregory Foundation

The Nation Newspaper, on Sunday 3rd January 2021, Captured the Azemobor Gregory Foundation” Christmas without Hunger Outreach” which was organized by Azemobor Gregory Foundation in Collaboration with Lifecard Investment Ltd (one of the fastest-growing real estate group in Africa)

Azemobor Gregory Foundation

Lending a helping hand can uplift the person’s spirit especially during hard times. It will also set a great example for your family and friends. It emits positivity, fulfillment, happiness, and love to the people around you.

When you help others, you will have a better understanding of why things happen and what we need to do to prevent them from happening again. You will find the smiles of those whom you’ve helped, their gratefulness and prayers of blessings are worth more than a million gems.

You will realize that helpings others is the most amazing feeling in the world.

Follow us on Instagram @ azemoborgregoryfoundation

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