
Azemobor Gregory is the founder of Voice of Devine Truth International Outreach ( and Azemobor Gregory Foundation Organization ( ) to advocate the cause of love amongst humanity and care for the needy, and vulnerable in our society.

Azemobor Gregory

Azemobor Gregory “Christmas day celebration all over the world is typically heralded by an unusual beehive of commercial activities”. Many people, Christians and non-Christians, alike, go out of their ways to engage in what could be aptly termed “ shopping mania”. A visit to most markets and shopping malls across the world would reveal an

Azemobor Gregory; Christmas and the Festivity of Greed Read More »

Azemobor Gregory: African culture and the plight of the widows Throwback During a programme on Rave TV, discussing, ‘ African Culture and the plight of widows’My take: ” I believe that every woman should be economically empowered by their husbands. Men should allow their wives to learn a trade or start a business so that

Azemobor Gregory: African culture and the plight of the widows Read More »